Kurtz Ersa Magazine

Kurtz Ersa Automation

Intelligent Handling Systems - Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Kurtz Ersa Automation places for you from A to B. What exactly, plays a subordinated role. Whether it´s a palletizing unit or components that need to be removed from a transport container and added to an assembly – our team has the necessary expertise to develop the right solution for your task.

As part of the concept development process, which always takes place in close cooperation with our customers, the aim is always to find suitable solutions for individual requirements. Our sales team has compiled a selection of frequently asked customer questions and asked the Kurtz Ersa Automation concept engineering specialists for the right answers.

Question: For most customers, the decisive factor in the run-up to system construction is which cycle and autonomy times can be achieved with the desired concept, taking into account the respective framework conditions. How can the performance, that will be available later, be shown transparently before the system is built?


Kurtz Ersa Automation Concept Engineering: In the first step, our experts analyze the existing process in detail. Suitable solutions are then developed together with the customer. Depending on the task and implementation phase, we use concept drafts, 3D modeling or concept simulations. If necessary, processes can be visualized transparently as early as the concept phase. The resulting conclusions regarding the overall system cycle time, potential material flow bottlenecks, and other bottlenecks are taken into account in the solution concept.

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Do you also have questions about process automation? Andreas Fischer, Head of Sales & Business Development, and his team look forward to discussing your task!

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Question: What determines whether the most suitable solution for me is a robot or a linear system?


Kurtz Ersa Automation Concept Engineering: Several factors play a role in the selection of a suitable handling system. If the customer wants to implement a product change on the production line in the foreseeable future, it is advisable to opt for a robotic solution. Often, only the modified product-contacting components (including gripper technology) need to be revised and replaced. The new product can then be produced with the revised existing system.

Does the customer already have experience with linear systems?
Are they familiar with their operation and maintenance?
Do the required degrees of freedom of the system permit a linear solution?
Can the joining direction of the component be realized with a linear stroke?

If the answer to these questions is “yes”, we recommend remaining loyal to the linear system in the future, provided there are no technical disadvantages.


Question: What possibilities exist to give a handling system “vision” so that the assembly of the end product can take place smoothly?


Kurtz Ersa Automation Concept Engineering: It is essential to have the correct information on all required position data at all times. Both the components to be picked up and the desired storage location, which may be on a conveyor belt, for example, must be detected. Depending on the task, we use appropriate sensor technology, industrial image processing or 3D measurement. The selection is manufacturer-independent in order to be able to implement the right solution for every task.


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